For colleagues

Collaboration with colleagues is essential for me and my surgery. I am convinced that my patients benefit greatly from cooperation and the sharing of knowledge. In our practice we are always looking for possibilities to improve and intensify our collaborations. 

I take part in various networks and attach great importance to interdisciplinary consultation in order to optimize and fine-tune our work. 


My background

I studied medicine and followed my GP training at the University of Leiden. I did part of my medical training in the UK, where I studied at the University of Bristol. After having finished my study in 1998 I worked as a locum GP in The Netherlands and in Ireland for five years. Subsequently, I worked as a GP in a health centre in Rotterdam for five years. During this period, I also worked as a lecturer at the department of General Practice at the VU in Amsterdam. Since 2008 I have been working in my current practice in Delft.

Beside my work as a GP I 
am a training coordinator at the Huisartsenpost Delft and thus involved in the training of medical students, interns and A&E-doctors. Furthermore, I was a committee member of the Huisartsenkring WSD for a few years. 

Our team

Our team consists of very dedicated and experienced employees. We all strive for the situation where our patients stay in control as often as possible, if the situation permits.

For more information please check the contact page.


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