Dutch | English
Opening hours
Our surgery is open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
On Thursday afternoon the surgery is closed. Through a message on our answering machine you will be informed which doctor replaces dr Hartel (for medical emergencies only).
Ask medical questions online (eConsult)
You can ask us personal medical questions by means of eConsult. In order to do this you have to log in with your DigiD, after which you can pose your question in a secured environment, 24 hours per day. We will answer your question within two working days. If you want to know more about eConsult, please click here.
If you want to use eConsult, please click on the orange button on the right side of this page.
Please be aware that eConsult is not suitable in case of medical emergencies or life-threatening situations! If you are doubtful about the seriousness of your complaint, you should always contact our surgery by phone.
Surgery number: (015) 284 00 30
* appointments
Consultations are by appointment only. If you wish to make an appointment please call the above-mentioned number (preferably between 8 am and 12 am).
Please ask for a double appointment if you have multiple complaints that you want to discuss.
If you are registered at our surgery, you can also make an appointment online. Please click on the red button on the right side of this page.
If you want to be certain that you have an appointment with dr Hartel and not with a possible locum GP, it is advisable to make an appointment by phone.
* appointment for consultation by phone
If you wish to consult the GP over the telephone, please call to make an appointment between 8 am and 12 am. The GP will return your call that same day.
* house calls
If you are not able to come to the surgery, you can ask for a house call between 8 am and 12 am.
* test results and other questions
For test results and other medical or administrative questions, please contact us between 8 am and 12 am and 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm.
Patient complaints procedure
If you have a complaint or concern about the service that you have received, please let us know. We operate a practice complaints procedure. For more information about this procedure please click here.
Privacy regulations
Our surgery works according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). On the basis of this act all organisations, that handle personal data, have certain obligations and the persons, whose data are handled, have certain rights. In addition to this general act, specific rules apply concerning the privacy in health care. These rules are stated in among others the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO). Our privacy regulations (that you can read here - document in Dutch) is intended to inform you about your rights and our obligations that are applicable on the basis of the GDPR and the WGBO.
You can download the application form medical data here (please read our privacy regulations first).
Camera surveillance
In order tot warrant the safety in our building, a number of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras have been installed in Medical Centre Delft (as clearly indicated on-site). These cameras are located in the central entrance hall and in the hallway where the various GP-surgeries are situated.
Contact (non-medical)
For general, NON-MEDICAL questions you can also fill out the contact form below.